Paul Marsden
Technical Sales and Marketing Advisor
Nordic Iron Ore
Paul Marsden - BSc, CEng, CSci, IOM3
Twenty seven years with Corus Consulting (formerly British Steel Consultants Ltd) working in global mining, iron ore and steel industry developments.
Since 2007 held various executive positions at Northland Resources SA before joining Nordic Iron Ore AB as Technical Sales and Marketing Director in November 2011 and becoming Managing Director in September 2015. Stepped down from this position in September 2018 to take up a Technical and Marketing advisory role. Member of Smart Exploration Executive Board since 2017 a EU sponsored project looking for exploration solutions that are environmentally friendly, cost-effective and technically sensitive for deep exploration.
Specialist expertise is in iron ore beneficiation, iron ore product development, alternative iron-making processes and global iron ore markets. Qualified Person, in accordance with the Institute of Metals, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) and its regulatory framework.
3D-geometry of iron-oxide deposits in the Blötberget area (Nordic Iron Ore AB, Ludvika mines) of Sweden
Brief story of Nordic Iron Ore's continued development towards production, including its participation with EU sponsored ERA-MIN and H2020 projects such as Smart Exploration to help with the development of more environmentally friendly and sustainable non-intrusive exploration techniques to improve targeted drilling exploration techniques. 2D and 3D modelling bringing significant benefits to understanding the geological structures and genesis of the mineralised rocks.