The expert in advisory on ESG and communications in emerging markets

  • strategy
  • measurement
  • monitoring
  • communication

New Markets Media & Intelligence exists to draw responsible investment flows and committed business activity. Through constant proactive engagement with the world’s most influential investors, researchers, event organisers, journalists and broadcasters, we connect people and ideas. We combine deep knowledge and experience in global finance with a practical understanding of impact investing and ESG, together with unparalleled skills in communication through the highest profile events, media, social media and other content platforms. In the past 6 months alone, for example, we

  • conducted ground-breaking research on the ESG and impact investment priorities of pension funds and family offices
  • wrote formative research on applying ESG criteria to early stage venture capital
  • produced a white paper on the challenges facing intra-Africa trade
  • created virtual events, webinars and podcasts covering all aspects of Covid-19 impacts and sustainable investment
  • generated over 1,000 articles including news, op-eds, commentaries and profiles

In addition to establishing, measuring and monitoring our clients’ ESG and impact investment credentials, our high-profile research capabilities and editorial content empowers unique strategic marketing capabilities by showcasing brands through precision messaging endorsed by the world's most respected platforms.

Global prominence and long-held relationships provide us with deep connections across media, government, NGOs, business and investment, enabling smart and efficient interaction with the most appropriate prospective clients and executives. For example, we initiated and organized the Emerging & Frontier Forum 2018 & 2019 at Bloomberg, and we are currently planning for the 2020 Forum as a full-scale virtual event with particular focus on ESG and sustainability.

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Gavin Serkin

Managing Editor
New Markets Media & Intelligence

Speaker Profile