Alper Sezener
General Manager and Chairman of the Board
Öksüt Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Dr. Alper Sezener received his BA in Philosophy, MSc and PhD in Anthropology from Hacettepe University. He studied in business development and leadership program at London Business School. Also, he is graduate candidate in Executive MBA Program of Bilkent University by the end of summer semester 2020. He has twenty years of professional work experience, including national and international construction, oil, natural gas projects and most recently mining operations. He is a Founder Chairman of the Social Impact Assessment Association and Secretary General of the Gold Miners Association in Turkey. He is certified Senior Sustainability Specialist, GRI Reporting Specialist and SA 8000 Internal Auditor. He has published articles and stories in various periodicals, as well as seven published books and five national literary awards in Turkey.
Impact of Covid-19 on Turkish Mining Sector: Öksüt Gold Mine Example