Andrew Bamber
Managing Director
Bara Consulting UK
Andrew is a qualified Professional Engineer with over 25 years’ experience in mining and minerals processing in Southern Africa, the Americas, Australia and Asia. His involvement has ranged as an engineer at operations, through to development and detailed design of process solutions in a range of commodities including nickel, copper, chrome, gold and platinum.
He has extensive experience in process and process equipment design, plant design, cost estimation and project economics as well as project, construction and operations management. Andrew has had extensive involvement in mining both at the consulting and R&D level, with specializations in the development and commercialization of innovative mining and process technologies.
He has worked as a Consulting Engineer on prefeasibility and feasibility studies across several commodities and has contributed as lead engineer or project manager in the completion of major capital projects in chrome, nickel, lead-zinc and platinum on time and under budget.
In 2009 he founded MineSense Technologies, a Vancouver-based mining technology company focused on the delivery of sensor-based grade control and bulk sorting solutions to the industry. Andrew joined join Bara Consulting as Principal, Americas in 2017, and the UK office as MD in 2018.
Bara Consulting - European Projects Profile
Bara Consulting is a mining engineering and consulting group actively involved in mining and mineral processing projects across the globe. Current work extends from expert witness and due diligence, through Feasibility Study work to mine development and operations support in Europe, Central Asia and Africa. Over the past few years Bara has delivered on a number of diverse projects, from narrow vein gold mining in Scotland, massive potash in England, lead-zinc in Spain and Bosnia, iron ore in Ukraine, to gold and copper gold in Serbia. This presentation seeks to give a brief profile of each project and highlight the value-add brought by Bara's value-driven approach in each case.