Ed O’Keefe
Synergy Global Consulting
Ed O'Keefe is a Director at Synergy Global Consulting, a leading social performance consultancy. Ed has over 20 years of international experience in helping businesses understand and manage their interactions with society. Ed’s expertise lies in developing workable solutions in complex environments through collaborative approaches to developing systems and people. He has done this successfully in over 30 countries, particularly in Eurasia and Africa, with a particular focus on the mining sector. He has worked with organisations such as the Responsible Mining Foundation, De Beers, Ma’aden, AngloGold Ashanti, the ITSCI Programme for responsible mineral supply chains, Bettercoal, ICMM, IFC, UNDP, UNICEF and the French development agency AFD. He currently leads Synergy’s work on due diligence and has led numerous social performance assessments and audits. He also leads Synergy’s training offerings; this includes the development and delivery of the innovative community relations practitioner courses in partnership with the University of Witwatersrand. He worked previously for the UK Department for International Development and with the conservation NGO, Fauna & Flora International.