15:30 - 17:00 / 03.Jun.2020 (BST - British Summer Time)Showcase of R&D projects and technologies aimed at improving mining efficiency
15:30 - VentSim Control - Improve production, blast-clearing times, energy savings, and, most importantly, increased safety for underground workers. 
Mechanical Engineer
15:45 - Our Digital Journey - Continental Conveying Solutions

Managing Director
16:00 - Remote Mining Assistance

Principal Consultant (Mining)
SRK Consulting (UK)
16:15 - Evaluation of Red Mud Tailings in the ESEE region and of the extraction of heavy minerals containing REE and other valuable metals

Head of Laboratory for Stone, Aggregate and Recycled Materials
Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute
16:30 - Launch of the Network under EIT RawMaterials Regional Center Kosice

Director of EIT RawMaterials Regional Center Kosice
Technical University of Kosice