MINING HOTSPOTS: Norway, Sweden, Greenland, UK
11:00 - 12:00 / 01.Jul.2020 (BST - British Summer Time)Company Presentations
Online platform for the mining industry, investors, and governments to provide updates on regional exploration, mining, and business potential.
11:00 - Exploration for Ti-V-P and Nickel mineralisation on the Bjerkreim intrusion, Norway, and its strategic importance for the region.
Principal Exploration Geologist
SRK Exploration Services
11:10 - Nussir ASA Copper project ready for construction.

Nussir ASA
11:20 - 3D-geometry of iron-oxide deposits in the Blötberget area (Nordic Iron Ore AB, Ludvika mines) of Sweden

Technical Sales and Marketing Advisor
Nordic Iron Ore
11:30 - Redmoor, Cornwall: A Cornish Mine of Global Significance

Exploration Manager
Cornwall Resources
11:40 - A systematic, repeatable, low-cost method to evaluate critical metals provinces, with example from the Gardar Rare Earth Elements Province, Greenland.

Exploration geoscientist
The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland